We offer full piano service so that you can enjoy making music on a truly inspiring piano
Pianos need regular maintenance in 3 areas:
Our thorough tuning process assures that your piano will sound as good as it can. Be inspired by your piano again.
Pianos become less expressive over time. We help keep your piano fun to play by maximizing its evenness, controllability, and performance.
Your piano’s tone changes over time as its hammers wear. We can optimize the natural tone of the hammers or help you find a customized tone for your piano.
Tuning and Regular Maintenance
Experienced Piano Moving
Experienced Piano Moving
We have the equipment and...
Inspections, Estimates, and AppraisalsConcert ServiceConcert Service
Most venues want artists and audiences to love their...
Buying and SellingBuying and Selling Pianos
Reconditioning, Restoration, and RebuildingRestorative ConservationClimate-Controlled Piano StorageClimate-Controlled Storage Designed for Pianos
Fire and Smoke RestorationPiano RentalsInstitutional Piano MaintenanceProtection for Your PianoCleaning